Summer Work Camp 2025

The Good Works Summer  Work Camp is designed to provide volunteers with a meaningful service experience while encouraging them to grow in their faith. Projects are chosen to provide sufficient work so that all participants will be fully engaged. In addition to accomplishing much needed repairs on homes, our groups and their leaders also get to know the homeowner who has opened their home to them for the week. Both volunteers and homeowners are blessed by this week of service – the volunteers find satisfaction with work well done and the homeowners respond to the love they have experienced by the gratitude they express to the  people who have served them so well.

For more in-depth details and information, please contact our Applications Coordinator,

Leah Waldeyer by phone below or email at

(610) 383-6311
Summer Work Camp Information Sheet
Summer Work Camp Info Sheet - Flyer.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [778.9 KB]

Dates and Location

Summer Work Camps are held every year in Coatesville, PA.

Good Works Summer Work Camp will be held on select weeks in June, July, and August.  Participating churches and groups should provide adult supervision and volunteers for a week-long home repair project. Good Works provides the tools, building materials, dumpsters, trucks to transport the materials, and expert Technical Staff to advise on the repairs and teach new skills.  

For Whom

Groups of adults and youth ages 15+.  We require a minimum of 35 participants with a ratio of one adult (age 25+) for every five youth.    

Frequently asked questions

Cost and Registration

The cost to participate in a week-long Good Works Work Camp is only $500 per person.  To hold a date, a non-refundable deposit of $50/camp participant is required within one week of receiving a confirmation from Good Works for a specific week.  The remainder is due 2 weeks before the camp begins.  

The deadline for registration is 1st come, 1st serve by February 21, 2025 Camps fill up quickly, so you should reserve early. (See form below)


A packet with more information will be sent out upon receipt of your Reservation Interest Form.

2025 Work Camp Reservation Form
Please download this form and complete one per group.
2025 Reservation Form.docx
Microsoft Word document [22.0 KB]

Adult Supervision

We require a minimum of 1 adult (age 25 or older) for every 5 youth.  We find this ratio to be helpful in managing the group as well as building intergenerational relationships within your church community. While you are seeking adult attendees, please also consider their knowledge of various construction skills. By having several skilled adults and a small "Adult to Youth Ratio", teens will be better able to learn new skills which they can use at home and in subsequent mission trips with us or other ministries.

Work Crew Size

Work Crews should number 10-12 people, including requisite adult (age 25+) leaders to act as Crew Leaders.  It is also recommended to identify an older youth with a mature faith who is willing to serve as an Assistant Work Crew Leader.  By serving under adults who can teach them and model a servant mindset, the Assistant Work Crew Leader can gain valuable leadership experience.  For churches bringing multiple crews, Good Works recommends that work crews be formed prior to the week of camp.  

Work Crew Leaders

The Work Crew Leader and the Assistant Work Crew Leader will coordinate the repair work on their site and bring the youth and homeowner's families together during the workday.  In order for Good Works to plan the projects, each of these workday leaders should fill out a Skills Inventory.  

Good Works Skills Inventory Form
This should be completed by all Workday Leaders.
Skills Inventory.doc
Microsoft Word document [93.0 KB]

Opportunities for Church Members to Assist the Youth during Work Camp

If there are adults in the church with skills in general home repair who would like to help but cannot commit for the entire week, please invite them to join the group some time during the camp. The additional technical assistance is always welcome! 

Safe Work Camp Policy

Good Works takes the safety of our young volunteers seriously; all of our Work Camp Staff have undergone a background check and have been cleared to serve with youth.  We ask that each church ensure that all adults traveling with their students have background checks completed (and on file in the church office) due 2 weeks before camp begins.  Volunteer releases are due 2 weeks before camp begins as well.  A letter listing the names of all adults coming from your church and stating that all people named have been cleared will be required at the time of final payment.  In addition, all participating adults are required to sign a “Code of Conduct” statement prior to the start of camp.   

Work Schedule

Each work crew works at a home for the entire week (Monday-Friday), from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.  A typical Work Camp day looks like this:

6:30 am Rise and Shine!

7:00 am Breakfast/Lunch prep
8:00 am Devotions
8:30 am Arrive at the warehouse
9:00 am Working at a home
4:00 pm Clean up/tools to warehouse
5:00 pm Shower 
6:00 pm Dinner
6:30 pm Free Time
7:30 pm Evening Program
9:00 pm Free Time
10:00 pm Quiet Time/Devotions
10:30 pm Lights out!


Volunteers are required to provide their own transportation to and from the worksite each day.

Good Works Support

We provide building materials, dumpsters, trucks to transport the materials, and an expert technical staff for advice on the repairs.  This staff is comprised of local carpenters and professional contractors who are also experienced Good Works volunteers.  Each project may have a full-time advisor or share one with another crew, depending on the scope of the repairs to be done.