Corporate FAQ

Why plan a Corporate Workday?

Companies who benefit by being part of a supportive community often want to become involved with those in that community who are less fortunate. The choice to serve others in the community sets a company apart and creates an atmosphere of compassion that extends into other aspects of corporate life. On the workday, coworkers strengthen their relationships with each other through teambuilding as they work together to better the life of another person.

What will you be doing on a Good Works Workday?

Applicants who are living in substandard housing receive home repair services free of charge through the gift of your volunteer labor. Our primary work involves replacing or repairing windows, roof repair, weatherization, plumbing repairs, and the replacement of floors, walls, and ceilings damaged by water or plumbing leaks. All tools and supplies are provided. Everyone is welcome; volunteers who have limited skills will still be able to make a contribution and have an opportunity to learn new skills!

When and where are Workdays scheduled?

Workdays are generally held on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday in one of four communities - Coatesville, West Chester, Phoenixville or St. Peter's Village. We work for a full day, meeting at 8:30 a.m. for an orientation and ending by 4 p.m. Orientations are held at one of our four warehouses located in the community where the home is located. For directions to the appropriate warehouse, please click here.

Is there a cost to have a Corporate Workday through Good Works?

While there is no general fee established for a workday, Good Works does expend funds for supervisory planning and staffing of this weekday workday. Depending on the complexity of the work planned and the number of volunteers that are participating, we may incur costs of $300 - $500 for each workday. If a donation is possible, please inform the Volunteer Coordinator.  

How do I get started?

Contact the Volunteer Coordinator at 610-383-9247 to begin the process of scheduling your workday. Guidelines for the workday are available upon request. 

How else might my Organization be involved with Good Works?

There are a variety of ways to support Good Works. Opportunities are presented under Donations, or contact our Development Director, Sue Moore, at 610-383-6311 Ext. 102 or by